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  • Chris Frost - VMware
  • Borislav Kapukaranov - SAP
  • Violeta Georgieva - SAP
  • Lazar Kirchev - SAP
  • Hristo Iliev - SAP
  • Glyn Normington - VMware


  1. Glyn would like to propose Lazar as a Virgo committer because of this shell and Gemini Management expertise, the latter of which is becoming very relevant to Virgo's new admin console. Everyone agreed.
  2. Glyn is working on bugs and publishing updated p2 bundles to the EBR.
  3. Chris is working on the new admin console.
  4. Hristo is working on a Virgo 3.0.2 release. He has hit problems, but these are soluble and need to be solved for non-VMware committers to be able to do releases.
  5. Violeta is flagging unneeded CQs as such for both Gemini Web and Virgo. She is also going to raise a bug where stopping a WAB destroys the related Tomcat session data. This should be destroyed at WAB uninstall.
  6. Borislav has been working on the p2 EBR update and is resuming work on nano.
  7. Lazar has closed bug 362334 as unreproducible, but he is still trying to reproduce it under Eclipse as he suspects it is still present. We hope the raiser may help us to reproduce the problem and re-open the bug. Glyn suggested comparing bug 351328.
  8. Violeta asked whether Virgo 3.5 will require a release of Gemini Web and Gemini Management. It probably will. It would be good to include the new naming integration from GW. If the new admin console goes into 3.5, that will require a GM release.
  9. Florian has pushed his kernel changes on a branch. Glyn will review and possibly merge the branch later this week and then encourage Florian to look at the next step towards making the install artefacts into a DAG.

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